
Metaverse Foundation The 4th International Blockchain Summit Ends Successfully

The 4th International Blockchain Summit kicked off at Shanghai International Convention Center on August, 15, 2017.  Metaverse Foundation , as one of the sponsors, was invited to attend the Summit. Actually, Metaverse team has participated in this event for four consecutive years. This Summit mainly focused hot topics, such as the policy of blockchain industry, investment environment, technological innovation and application innovation. Metaverse team carried out friendly exchanges with more than 1,000 blockchain practitioners, investors of financial institutions, technology developers as well as blockchain investment enthusiasts at home and abroad. Eric Gu, founder  Metaverse Foundation , delivered an amazing speech “Blockchain is Becoming Popular” during the event. Mr. Eric, as one of the core members among bitcoin entrepreneurs, said, “I’m glad that I have witnessed and participated in the tremendous development and expansion of blockchain industry in China o...

Chinese Startup Seeking to Be a Major Blockchain Infrastructure Raised Over $2 mln

The ICO crowdfunding of a Blockchain decentralised platform for smart properties and digital identities under the MIT licenses agreement closed on September 5 far exceeding the set target. The target for  Shanghai-based  Metaverse  was to raise RMB10m but it closed at RMB14.7m (over $2 million), which, according to Red Li, the moderator of 8btc, is an indication of the hunger the market has had for the pitch. Li said via Skype: “Metaverse ICO closed on our crowdfunding site at around 15m RMB yesterday. Metaverse is ambitious in building a web of smart properties. Visions of the public Blockchain shed light on the future development, and I have strong faith in the native Chinese dev team in achieving the goal. The crowdfunding has received far more attention and capital than we expected, which also reflects that the market is hungry for quality pitches.” He added that 8btc is committed to assist Blockchain innovators and developers from ...

Metaverse – Smart Property, Assets & Digital Identity Blockchain?

Metaverse is a blockchain that aims to improve on Ethereum and its smart contract system. The blockchain is made in China and caters primarily to Chinese blockchain technology companies. What Is Metaverse? Metaverse is a decentralized open platform of smart properties and digital identities. The platform is based on public  blockchain technology . The goal is to establish the “Internet of Value” infrastructure by combining digital assets, digital identities, and oracles to build a web of smart properties. In more basic terms, Metaverse is a blockchain made in China. Some call it the Chinese version of Ethereum. Just like China has Baidu instead of Google or WeChat instead of Facebook, Metaverse is quickly becoming China’s  Ethereum . The Metaverse project is led by ViewFin.com, a Chinese company specializing in blockchain digital assets and blockchain news in China. The project was founded by Eric Gu, one of the leading names in the Chinese blockchain tech...

Metaverse Invited to Participate the First US-China Blockchain Connect Conference

Metverse Founder & CEO Eric Gu was invited to attend the first US-China Blockchain Connect Conference organized by SV Insight at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre in San Francisco on Jan 26, 2018. The event gathered over 1000 scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and developers from around the world for a day of intense discussion revolving around blockchain technology, with attendees including Litecoin founder Charlie Lee, Ripple founder Brad Garlinghouse, Bitcoin angel investor and early Ethereum supporter Chandler Guo, as well as Chris Lee, CEO of OKex. Themed “Blockchain Evolution in US and China”, this conference hosted fireside chats, keynote speeches and panel discussions around a diverse range of topics including the standardization of blockchain development, blockchain expansion, cross-chain cooperation, cryptography and other pressing industry issues. At the conference, Eric participated in a panel discussion about ICOs, IFOs, Communities and Regulations in Ch...

Entropy on Metaverse Adds a New Dimension to Decentralized Applications

Decentralized applications and cryptocurrencies have a new destination, and that is Metaverse. Specially designed for blockchain applications of the future, Metaverse decentralized open platform comes prepared to handle smart properties and digital identities. The Smart Properties on the public blockchain platform is a combination of Digital Assets, Digital Identities, and Oracles. Metaverse is a project by Metaverse Foundation , which is created and implemented by the Viewfin development team. The blockchain system is fueled by a native cryptocurrency, Entropy. The cryptotokens shares most of its properties with other cryptocurrencies in the market, yet it is different from others in terms of value. Unlike Bitcoin, Ether and other altcoins, Entropy’s value is not pegged against any fiat or digital currency. In fact, Entropy with a finite number of 100 million tokens constitutes the entire equity of the Metaverse system. The digital token’s name is derived from th...

Metaverse ETP Reaches Market Capitalization of $125.59 Million (ETP)

Metaverse ETP  (CURRENCY:ETP) traded 30.1% higher against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 0:00 AM ET on January 26th. Metaverse ETP has a market cap of $125.59 million and approximately $16.24 million worth of Metaverse ETP was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. In the last seven days, Metaverse ETP has traded 23% higher against the US dollar. One Metaverse ETP coin can now be bought for $3.38 or 0.00030464 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including RightBTC, HitBTC, EXX and Bitfinex. According to CryptoCompare, “Metaverse is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology. Metaverse is building a web of Smart Properties and establishing an open ecosystem in which digital value can be circulated freely. ETP is the token used on Metaverse and can be used to measure the value of smart properties in Metaverse or as collateral in financial transactions. ETP is also used to pay transaction and other fees applied on Metaverse. “ Metaver...

Dubai wants to become a leader in all things blockchain

The city of Dubai recently hosted a  world blockchain conference  as part of its effort to become the leading blockchain-powered government by 2020. In attendance were Dubai dignitaries and ministers from the government as well as blockchain-tech companies vying for access to the  Dubai Smart Government initiatives . Dubai is both ahead and behind the U.S. in many respects. There are advantages to running a theocracy: less red tape, more opportunity to innovate quickly, and the possibility to rapidly pivot and adopt new technologies. While the  U.S. healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, and still results in the lowest life expectancy , Dubai’s system is  4.5x cheaper  with essentially the same life expectancy. Despite this tremendous success, of course, it’s still illegal to be gay or possess weed in Dubai, so the state of civil rights still has a long way to evolve. Leading that effort is Dubai’s ruler, His Highness Sheikh Moh...